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You make a difference!

Sometimes your presence is all that is needed to make a difference in someone's life.
Just your taking the time to reach out to someone to lift their spirits can change the direction of their day. A few simple words can encourage someone and inspire hope when circumstances seem hopeless.
Often times we may feel we lack the resources to meet a need, but even if that is the case, there is something we can still give - our time. It's one of the greatest things we can give in addition to love. Don't let what you think you don't have stop you from doing and giving what you do have.

I'm so grateful for the wonderful people that God sends across my path. All the warm hugs and smiling faces have added so much joy to my days. Keep encouraging, sharing your time, and your heart because you truly are making a difference in someone's life!


  1. You are so right. I often pray that God will point me in the right direction to be an encourager for others who need it. We should all stay alert for his prompts to say a kind word to or spend just a little time with someone who could us a little lift.


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