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Reflecting on time with God


I am sitting here in the peace and quiet of the morning reflecting on my thoughts during my morning worship and time with the Lord. 

Reflecting on doors opened and not dwelling on doors closed.
Look ahead, He says to me, it was time to move you forward. Leave that which is to be left behind. Move forward.
Have you lost your zeal?
Will you abandon your first love?
What will you give for my sake?
Are you ready?
It's time.
Something feels different today. I see more change coming.
I am eager to see what wonders this day will bring.

Determined to stay focused and avoid distractions. I will keep my mind stayed on the Lord.

Making the decision to take better care of myself so that I can continue to be useful to God for the sake of His Kingdom.

Seeking the Lord to help me have a healthier and happier attitude.

Looking to Him on how I can be a bigger, better blessing.

Reflecting on writing that will glorify God– what I can share to spread hope and encouragement.

I am opening the palms of my hands, releasing all that I have been holding on to. I surrender all things to the Lord as all things rightfully belong to the Lord.

I am reflecting on my friends, my loved ones and my fellowship community.

Reflecting on God’s amazing grace and magnificence.
Reflecting on how His presence keeps me in perfect peace.

Not dwelling on what seems unrealistic because with God all things are possible.
Not going to dwell on love that was lost or relationships that have failed.
Not going to dwell on who I may have failed or disappointed.
Not going to worry about who to trust or who might disappoint me or fail to support me.
Not going to spend the day feeling condemned over mistakes made.
Not going to worry today about tomorrow.
Not going to murmur and complain or get easily irritated.
Not going to worry about what I did not get accomplished yesterday or time lost.
Not going to worry about who understands me.
Not going to mourn the child in me that was left abandoned and broken years ago.
No, not today because today and everyday there is healing for the broken-hearted, there is a refreshing of the Holy Spirit, there is hope in Christ!

There is joy to be had.
There is peace to be made and kept.
There is the Lord’s everlasting love, comfort, kindness, grace, mercy, peace, hope, glorious presence and more.
There is much to rejoice about and much to be thankful for.

So I am going to continue to worship the Lord for all of His goodness, glory, greatness, power.
I am going to acknowledge how He first loved me and chose me as His daughter.
I am going to acknowledge His patience, understanding, strengths, never changing, splendor, majesty.

Yes, a thankful heart is what I will give Him today.
For His name is power, breath and living water.
I stand in awe of you, Holy God. 

For it is you O Lord who are my strength and courage.
You are my light.
You are my salvation.
You are my identity.

It is you who shines your light from within me.
It is you who are full of compassion.
It is you who lift my burdens.
It is you who have set a table for me before my enemies.
It is you who raises me up and lifts me so high that my feet do not dash a stone.
It is you who cast out all my fears.
It is you who shut doors no man can open and open doors no man can close.
It is you who are my provider and protector.
It is you who work miracles of provision.
It is you who have given me purpose and plans for my life.
It is you who have given me a future and a hope and prosperity and freedom.
It is you who are constant, and never changing.
It is you who never sleeps and never slumbers.
It is you who are watchful over me.
It is you who corrects me for my good.
It is you who washed away my sin.
It is you who make my path straight.
It is you who are changing me from glory to glory.
It is you who covers my wretchedness with your righteousness.
It is you who cause my face to bear the reflection of Christ.
It is you who have given me faith.
It is you who have given me everlasting life.


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