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What's the next step you can take to get closer to where you want to be?

What's the next step you can take to get closer to where you want to be? Have you started exploring your options? Have you made a list of things you could be doing to get you closer to your goal or are you feeling stuck and worried that you won’t ever get there? 

Explore your options and then make your list and do something from that list each day. This will help you to gain focus and feel more empowered as you complete something from your list each day. 

Oh by the way, you’ll have to immediately remove things that are affecting your progress such as the television - turn it off, saying no to spending time and energy on anything that does not support your goal, and the biggest thing is making time to hear God. You can’t imagine the progress God will help you make just by carving out some time to spend with Him and really listening to what He speaks to your heart. Spend a few minutes a day trying this and building on this until you develop a stronger, lasting relationship with God and you will see the difference and how disciplined you become.

Right now you are feeling anxious and afraid. The fear will begin to fade as you take steps to get closer to your goal and keep trusting and leaning on God. Don’t stress about how long it’s taking; it's a process, so just keep taking steps to get there and you will arrive.

I’m writing this to encourage you and to let you know that I am right there with you. I hope this will encourage you as it encourages me just to share my thoughts and experiences. Know that I have to put these same things into practice and take these same steps to get closer to my goals, so believe me I understand the fear and anxiety that affects your mind and stop you from doing anything at all because you feel so overwhelmed, confused and defeated. We both know that that is what the enemy wants. If he can stop you from prospering by telling you lies and killing your dreams he will, after all fear, anxiety and confusion comes from the enemy not from God. God has not given us a spirit of fear…He has given us a spirit of power, and of love, and of a sound mind which includes discipline and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7). The word of God says that the enemy comes to steal, and to kill, and to destroy, but Christ has come to give us life more abundantly (John 10:10). Hang on to the word of God when fear and anxiety begin to creep up. Hopefully these scriptures will serve as a reminder of what you have gained in Christ and help you defeat the enemy and take away the enemy’s power.

I'm at a point where I finally have gotten fed up with getting laid off. I went to school to work in the airline industry and after I graduated I ended up working for car rentals and hotels; it paid the bills. It took an airline almost 8 years to call. I had finally gotten on with an airline and I was thrilled and nervous at the same time. This was my chance, so I went for it. Then 9-11 happened and I got laid off. I took jobs in retail to pay the bills while the airline did their yo-yo game of calling me back and laying me off again. I hung in there for as long as I could, after all this is what I went to school for and racked up student loans to do. Eventually I had to let it go; it was too stressful and made me feel more and more defeated. Prior to that I was living in California where I had already experienced a couple of lay offs. Each time I was laid off I took any job I could to pay the bills and support my child. Sometimes I worked two jobs.  Now I find myself laid off again. I find that my experience in the corporate world has been being caught in the middle as new leaders come in with their new vision and want to get rid of anyone who was apart of the old vision. What’s strange is how the leaders and the vision keeps changing so rapidly. There are other factors as well, the company might be struggling financially and need to cut back, etc. It has taken me forever it seems, but I am ready for something wonderful, something I am passionate about doing that helps people and honors God in the process, and of course I want financial freedom! 

Seek God on His will for your life. I often ask God "what are your plans for me and am I aligned with your will for me…lead me and I will follow" and then I wait to hear His answer.

God has a plan for you too! He has made provisions for each of us. He wants to prosper you both spiritually and financially. Look to Him for hope and a promising and blessed future of abundance!
For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future (Jeremiah 29:11).

I will bless her with abundant provisions (Psalm 132:15).

Please share with me what you would like to be doing and what you are doing to reach your goals. I would love to help you map out a plan as I continue to strive and take steps to reach my goals! We can journey along side each other!

Grace & Peace


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