This morning I had the pleasure of attending a single women's group. I was so moved by the women who spoke today. I thank God for encouraging us in our faith, strength, direction and patience. God reminded us that when we yield to His Spirit and remain in relationship with Him, we can be content in all things and all circumstances. God has purpose for each of us and today I believe He gave us more confidence and boldness to pursue our purpose in Christ.
Do you struggle with self-acceptance? So many of us tend to compare ourselves to others and then we pass judgment on ourselves and determine that we come up short. Why is it that we don't seem to appreciate who God created us to be? Why can't we simply be happy with who we are? Do you experience this feeling of low self-worth? I know I sometimes do. God created us differently for a reason. Each being is unique in his or her own way; we're uniquely crafted individuals purposely formed by God for God. When we are critical and judge one another, we are judging God’s work and when we judge ourselves, we are actually saying to God that we don’t like what He made. Sometimes we have to dig deep to find self-acceptance because when we don't accept ourselves as God made us, we not only reject His workmanship, but we open up a huge opportunity for our discontent to grow and expand into other areas of our lives. “ We are God’s workmanship” (Ephesians 2:10). Are you constantly ...
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